Thursday, April 25, 2013

Echinoderma: Cushioned Sea Star!

  • Cushioned sea stars can have 4-6 arms.
  • Young cushioned sea stars are green, and become brown, yellow, orange, or red.
  • Cushioned sea stars grow up to 50 cm.
  • The main threats to the existence to the existence of a cushioned sea star are pollution or the destruction of its habitat.
  • Cushioned sea stars are omnivores, which means they eat plants and animals.

Arthropoda: Common Hermit Crab!

  • Common Hermit Crabs are nocturnal.
  • Common Hermit Crabs can and will eat almost anything a human eats; from meat, fruit, and vegetables to popcorn, peanut butter, or crackers,
  • Some common hermit crabs have been known to live up to 30 years.
  • Common Hermit Crabs select their shells while young, and do not grow their own.
  • Common Hermit crabs are social animals, and often live in groups up to 100.

Annelid: Lugworm!

  • Lugworms are typically found on shores, in sand, or muddy sand.
  • Lugworms live off the coast of the UK and North-Western Europe.
  • The main threat to lugworms are birds that prey on them, and the usage of them as bait.
  • The lugworm is also called the Blow Lug or Rock Worm.
  • Lugworms have separate genders and are not hermaphroditic.

Cnidarian Section: Boulder Brain Coral

  • One of the main threats to the existence of Boulder Brain Coral are diseases such as white plague and black-band disease.
  • Boulder Brain Coral can reproduce asexually by budding, or sexually by releasing sperm.
  • Boulder Brain Coral grow in the Caribbean, The Gulf of Mexico, off the coast of Florida, and in The Bahamas.
  • Boulder Brain Coral are typically about two meters in diameter.
  • The polyps of a Boulder Brain Coral extend, but only at night.

Mollusca: Dumbo Octopus!

  • Dumbo Octopuses typically live about 4,000 meters under sea level, however, one Dumbo Octopus was recorded to have lived 7,000 meters below sea level. 
  • Dumbo Octopuses are about 8-12 inches long.
  • Dumbo Octopuses swallow their prey whole.
  • The Dumbo Octopus gets its name from its two large fins, resembling the ears of Disney's character Dumbo, which it uses to swim.
  • The female Dumbo Octopus lay eggs perpetually throughout the year, not just during breeding season.

Sponge Section: Red Tree Sponge*!

  • The Red Tree sponge gets it's name from it's red-orange color and tree-like branches.
  • Red Tree Sponges are indigenous to the Caribbean Sea.
  • To obtain nutrients, Red Tree Sponges filter plankton from the water.
  • Red Tree Sponges are peaceful and not aggressive.
  • They are of the family Axeniellidae.

*Scientifically Known As Haliclona Compressa